
Stretch Wholly to John 15:7 Abide in Jesus and in His Word

Stretch Wholly to John 15:7 Abide in Jesus and in His Word  As Christmas approaches, join us at #WholyFit, keeping focus on abiding in Christ and His Word.

Christian Fitness & Health: WholyFit, Stretching or Yoga?

Find a WholyFit class on the APP. On your phone, download the WholyFit APP  Live now on Google Play for Android / Samsung users Apple store for Iphone users !  All praise to God! For His glory! May more people hear the Gospel through #WholyFit classes.

WholyFit Affirm: Thanks TO God, the Giver of All Good Things

Happy Thanksgiving! This video will help us turn our thoughts to the One Who deserves all our praise and thanks. Being thankful is nothing in itself. There must be a Receiver of our thanks, otherwise it dissipates into the air. Thankfulness is void without directing our thanks to the God who gives us all good things. Affirming thankfulness is not necessarily good in and of itself. We will be thankful as we direct our thanks TO the God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host! Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Affirm is a different WholyFit format: restorative stretching and kinetic movement with focus on meditation: thinking about scriptural concepts about thankfulness. Today we will use the Lord's Prayer routine with a little ballet and a little stretch. Special thanks to Bonnie Bonnette, WholyFit Trainer, the writer of the bulk of these affirmations.

#WholyFit Stretch Plus Chair Psalm 143 with Rebecca and Mary


Kitty Crashes Video - Cat Stance? - WholyFit SlowFlo Stances


Wholly Stretch To Acts 2 WhollyFit Live with Laura


Put on the Believer's Armor As Kay Leads Through Ephesians 6
